insert info here and link to containment page
It’s all about the Rhizomes (THIS NEEDS AN ILLUSTRATION)
Rhizomes are underground (VG vid @ 3:15) … this is the food for the bamboo… and it can be controlled by cutting into the ground. Rhizomes expand underground up to 20’/year and are normally in the top 4 to 6” of soil.
Control Method #1 – Root Pruning
Take a can of spray paint and mark a line on the ground each year. Then, take a special nursery spade and go straight down, 6” into the group to sever the rhizome, which severs from the shoots. This is called “root pruning”.
Control Method #2 – Tree root barrier
same as used for trees in an urban setting
60 mil high density polyethelene (nursing pots) underground
this method is heavily used commercially. Chris tells of seeing this (VG vid 5:20) at the Creation Museum near Cincinnati in their botanical garden. They have 17+ rows of bamboo surrounded by flowers and shrubs (IMAGE). The reason the bamboo isn’t taking over the flower beds is because, if you look, you can see 3” of plastic sticking up above the ground (VG vid shows this at 5:41)
Control Method #3 – Above ground containers/planters (VG vid 6:25)
Corrugated Metal Planters – These look nice and work well (google image search)
ABC sells these
Control Method #4 – Mowing during normal lawn mowing